Ordering Options
Great News! King's Printer is excited to announce a new way to order business cards.
Please read below for ordering options:
Option 1: Business Cards
The KP Order Desk is a completely automated online ordering system for Business Cards.
Please use the new KP Order Desk if you belong to one of the following groups:
- BC Government Ministry
- Auditor General
- Sheriff Services
- Provincial Court
- MLA or Minister (Gold Embossed)
- BC Emergency Health Services
- Gaming Policy
- Public Guardian
- Community Safety Unit
- HealthLink BC
- Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
- Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
- Community Safety Unit
- Independent Investigations Office of B.C.
- BC Sheriff Service
Option 2: Business Cards
If you belong to a BC Government or Public Sector group that is not listed under Option 1:
Please use the online print requisition form and include a sample card.
Note: As soon as your group is added to the new KP Order Desk system you will see it listed under Option 1.
Option 3: Print Products
For stationery and other print products: